
Yogis believe the early hours of the morning to be a divine time when the mind is at it's most still and is ideal for practising yoga. Practising with the sunrise is said to instil a sense of calmness, creativity and focus. This beautiful morning practise creates a state of ease in the body and mind to set you up for your day.

Awaken Yoga is a vinyasa style class, combining breath with movement.

Modifications may be offered during the class to make it suitable for your level.

Class may include pranayama (breath work), asana (yoga poses), meditation, mindfulness and elements of yoga philosophy.

This class is designed to awaken your body, mind, breath and soul.

Suitable for all anybody wishing to start their day with some sweet movement and connection.



SOOTHE is an ideal ritual for healing self care. This class offers a combination of deep stretching and self myofascial release.

Using a variety of techniques and props, learn to access trigger points to release tight muscles and fascia (connective tissue), increase blood flow, release trapped toxins, and promote energy flow within the muscles and tissues of the body.

Think of it as a deep tissue massage you perform on yourself, being as gentle or as strong as you desire, before luxuriously stretching the released tissues.

Expect to feel deep release, a sense of empowerment and relaxation and maybe just a little bit of good-sore afterwards.

Suitable for all levels.

  • Offered at Special Events

Chill Flow

The perfect class to do if you want to move your body more than a restorative or yin practice offers, but not as much as a challenging vinyasa class.

Gentle flow offers slower progressions between poses, longer hold times to really experience the pose in your body, and gentle transitions along the way.

Expect a sweet dance of breath and gentle movement in this calmly introspective practice.

Perfect for beginners, returning after a break, pre and post natal, or those just wanting a slower more gentle practice.



Kundalini yoga is also called the "Yoga of awareness." 

The main aim of Kundalini yoga is to awaken the kundalini energy, which lies coiled, serpent-like, at the base of the spine. 

In Kundalini Yoga, we use breathing exercises, physical postures, chanting and meditation to unlock this energy. This helps to activate, balance and strengthen your nervous system.

Kundalini yoga includes a combination of specific kriyas and meditation aimed at raising the kundalini energy and these practices help prepare you physically and spiritually for the intensity of this energy.

Each kundalini class begins with a chant and is followed up by a warmup for the spine.

Yin & Meditation

Enjoy a full-length class devoted to slowing down, stretching out, breathing deeply, feeling supported, and moving towards a deep state of calm, all with the added therapy of a blissful essential oil head and scalp massage.

This class will help soothe deep tensions and have you floating back into your evening feeling mellow and calm.

Includes extended meditation practise to open and close the class,

Suitable for all levels of yogi.


Park Yoga Flow

Enjoy gentle the outdoors with a gentle Yoga flow in the Paradise Point Parklands.

BYO mat, block and picnic rug to go under your mat.

Yoga classes in Paradise Point Parklands, the Esplanade.

(opposite cafes facing the blue sails and swim enclosure.)

Suitable for all yoga levels.



Pilates Sculpt

Pilates Core is a low impact exercise aimed at increasing muscle strength, improving postural alignment and enhancing flexibility and mobility.

This class targets the muscles of the primary pilates powerhouse: the abdomen, lower back, hips, booty and the centre of the body, which if strengthened offers a solid foundation for any movement.

Regular Pilates Core allows the body to move through life with more energy, stability, strength and control.

Class is available for all levels of practitioner.



Form Pilates followed by a beautiful stretch.

In the fresh air of Paradise Point Parklands (across from Relish Cafe) BYO Mat and picnic rug to go under your mat.


In the event of rain or wet conditions, park classes are moved to the studio.

Please message us if in doubt. 0403643601


Events Coming Up

Sound Baths + Mini Retreats


Yoga Teacher Training 2022

Level 1 + Level 2 Modules coming soon.


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